I remember being bored as a young kid feeling like things would drag on forever. I'm sure many kids today are feeling the same thing as this lock down drags on too. It is for them that I feel sorry for because too many have been raised on the screens of many devices and have little to no desire to go outside or do things that don't require any technology. However I've been trying to lead a boring life for many years now and have worked hard toward that goal. I don't go out often and when I do it is usually running errands. Since I watch little to no TV, I have a lot of other things that interest me. There is always chores of course but I'm talking about creating things, reading books and trying new recipes when the mood strikes. If I had the time, I'd learn things like canning and sewing. Is that boring enough for ya? Lately, as I get a few minutes in the morning and evenings to enjoy the sudden quiet that has fallen in the neighborhoods so I can listen to the birds and whatever nature sounds that are around... I appreciate it all the more. Silence is good for the mind and the soul.
Another reason is because it has allowed me time to think about all that is happening in the world at this moment in time. We have crossed another threshold but this time we have made a giant leap over it and I have been trying to make peace with the fact that the world as we knew it is gone. With so many changes in my life over the last 12 years, you'd think that I'd have all this down pat by now, but that is not the case because this change has effected everyone on the globe. It seems like most people hopped on board when the alphabet agencies told everyone to isolate themselves to save the world without asking this one very important question.
In your life time...when have any of these agencies, parties, corporations or the government ever cared about our heath, wealth or well being before? The short answer is never. Oh they may pretend to as I have learned over the years but if you really look deeper you can see that every law, legislation or bill that has or is trying to be passed benefits those who have great wealth and a desire to rule the world. They have sold too many others an illusion that they've gladly accepted because to really look at the alternative would have been too much to accept. These agencies have been conditioning the people much like Pavlov's dogs were conditioned to respond with fear.
I watched first hand at the grocery store I work at what was happening. It was my little microcosm where I could see people from all walks of life pile in and start the panic driven, fear based buying of all supplies. There were people who were greedy and decided that they were entitled to everything first simply because they got there first. When others came in and saw the lines, the empty shelves the panic spread quickly and as they texted or phoned others the tornado of people swept away the last of the food that would normally not be bought. Some people were very thankful that we were there but many others thought it was their right to be served quickly and for us to manufacture stuff from thin air that we didn't have.
My first thought on this and these entitled people demanding things we just didn't have to give them was... boy are you in for a big surprise. Since I've worked for most everything I have in life and learned early if what I wanted was unavailable or even not within reach, I either had to have patience or make do without. But it's been 3 weeks since that first wave of panic hit the stores here and in those 3 weeks we have been scared to death by the irresponsible media which has caused a massive lock down on our movements and done their best to sever all physical contact between people. Human contact is essential to life and they have found a way to make that one thing you didn't think could be taken away... to be done so in such a way as to make you think it is for you own good. I call bullshit on every level on that one. But the absolute insane thing about it is not just how many people fell for it, but are now considering themselves the social and thought police.
To save lives, they said. Humph. It's not just the agencies of this world who hasn't been interested in saving lives throughout millenia, it's this selfish, greedy world that has adopted the "fuck you what about me" mentality. If you are clearing the shelves and taking all the supplies for yourself, you clearly don't care whether others live or die. And if you are doing it all to make a profit then congratulations! You have become just like the psychopathic sub humans that are running the world. But here is the kicker to all this... they knew exactly how many of you would respond and it went according to plan, at least so far. So my question now is... where are all these entitled people when it comes to demanding that our basic rights not be wiped out? Are you in the comfort of your own home, well stocked now and unconcerned with anything else? Do you believe that things will return to normal and the economy will recover soon enough so you can continue to live in your comfortable house with just regular every day worries? Again, you are in for a big surprise.
Even if you took the scariest numbers about this virus and the rate of infection to time of death in consideration, do you not realize that more of your neighbors or your family would have already passed? If not, how long will it take for you to see that there is no curve to flatten and therefor no end in sight, unless everyday people start to turn off the news and start paying more attention to the real world outside of their homes, devices and wild rumors? When food and basic supplies stop showing up on the shelves, when every business except Walmart and Amazon close their doors for good, when they come to foreclose on your home, turn off your power and water? Will you then begin to see that maybe we have all been lied to for a very long time for the benefit of the few? Empires fall. And we are teetering on the edge of the abyss.
I scroll through Facebook taking the temperature of those who live close and far away to see how well this experiment in social engineering is going. I can see many are trying to change peoples minds by changing their verbage so that it makes it sound like you are doing the right thing. They want to change your mindset so that you will be comfortable with all that is happening. It's the same message... Don't think, just do what you are told. Stay home, stay safe. Keep wrapping everyone, especially your kids is bubbles of safety where nothing can happen to them. Don't worry your government is in control... everything will be just fine and there is some truth in that. Everything will be fine for those in control of the people but not the people themselves.
Since it seems that the majority of the people have all but given up and become programmed robots, regurgitating what ever mainstream media and their neighbor says, I have lost faith in humanity as a whole. I also understand that there are some of you out there who can still see what is happening with horror in your heart. If any of my experiences have taught me anything, it's those who can see and feel what's happening will have a harder time than those who don't. We value our freedoms and our families... not just one or the other. We also value the creative expression and the need to touch the ones we are close to.
I would also like to acknowledge the ones who seem to be in between and by that I mean, those people who are willing to help out others in times of need. That is what helps me maintain my sliver of hope for humanity. It is so difficult to see that the help that is being offered is being used for the purpose of maintaining this charade such as the making of masks and the donation of supplies which perpetuates this manufactured crisis. I am thankful that there are still many who will do what they can when they can but I'm so very sorry that these people are being used. So the next time a quite possibly real crisis arrives, they might not be as willing or trusting to help.
I'm not going to be like almost everyone else and tell you what to do or what you should be doing. This journey in life is personal and it is our own lesson to learn. I will tell you what I hope though, because hope springs eternal. I hope some good comes from these times. I hope through the worries that many of us are dealing with that we can take time to really think while we are on lock down. I hope that each of you who are ready, willing and able to work through the fear and the panic to see that life can be so much more than the daily grind with bills, jobs, schools, shuffling the kids here and there or whatever it is that you feel like you have to do to get the list checked off.
I hope you can go outside and be apart of the world without a device attached to your body and see your little microcosm of the world. If it isn't what you want to see, I hope you will go out and make a difference even if it's just picking up the trash. For those of you with kids, I hope you get to really know them in this time you have with them. Maybe even forge a deeper bond with them if you haven't had the time to do so. On the flip side to that, if you haven't spent much time with your kids and find out they are lazy, clueless and quite possibly entitled too, maybe you can take a good long look at the real reason that it's so and I'd hope that you would at least try and correct it. Not just for your sake but for everyone elses. There are too many of these types as it is and I can tell you from experience that this lock down was and will be a tailor made excuse for these types who don't accept any responsibility for themselves much less others but when the time comes they very well may need to do just that.
I hope that many people would learn and start to make things again. Since there is a very good possibility that all of the supply chains will be effected by what is happening, now would be a good time to learn how to fix and repair things too. It may become paramount that we learn to garden and farm small animals for our survival. Now I am not talking about taking things back to the 19th century... at least I sincerely hope not... but in these time you just never know. It might not be a bad idea to get back to our roots and away from being a service based country. There are so many trades out there to be learned and there is absolutely nothing wrong with working with your hands.
Although I do know the service industry is carrying the weight of the world on them at the moment and it should show people just how important these people really are everyday, not just in a (manufactured) crisis situation. We the people, who get up everyday to exert much physical labor that too many others thought unimportant or simply beneath them have an advantage. We see more of the real world and we have what it takes to get through hard times because we live with the struggle daily. It is my hope that each of you know your worth and demand that you be treated accordingly.
We all know that not everybody can or will do any of these things though. Some live in densely populated cities or a poverty so pervasive that all hope seems lost at this point. But I can tell you that the poor have a lot more experience with doing without than many others on the planet and they may be the ones who can make it through the times ahead better than all of us. I also hope that you will be able to recognize the ones who would gladly sell their freedom for that illusion of safety and security. That kind of life where you live in a comfort zone without ever trying new things is stagnant and causes entropy of the soul. Fear can be a great motivator if it is used properly and not as a tool for oppression. There is also spiritual growth when you can persevere through things that make us uncomfortable. The possibilities are limitless in the positive things that can be accomplished if we apply ourselves to learn, try and repeat as necessary to be what we are meant to be. I hope you will travel a road to freedom and pave the way for the ones who cannot.
I hope you can understand that I do care for the people of this world even if I don't really like them at the moment. I care enough to speak about the ramifications of our actions or more importantly our inactions as our life as we know it is replaced with a life of suffering on a massive scale that will end more lives than this virus.
Until that time, I hope you truly enjoy the calm before the storm.
Another reason is because it has allowed me time to think about all that is happening in the world at this moment in time. We have crossed another threshold but this time we have made a giant leap over it and I have been trying to make peace with the fact that the world as we knew it is gone. With so many changes in my life over the last 12 years, you'd think that I'd have all this down pat by now, but that is not the case because this change has effected everyone on the globe. It seems like most people hopped on board when the alphabet agencies told everyone to isolate themselves to save the world without asking this one very important question.
In your life time...when have any of these agencies, parties, corporations or the government ever cared about our heath, wealth or well being before? The short answer is never. Oh they may pretend to as I have learned over the years but if you really look deeper you can see that every law, legislation or bill that has or is trying to be passed benefits those who have great wealth and a desire to rule the world. They have sold too many others an illusion that they've gladly accepted because to really look at the alternative would have been too much to accept. These agencies have been conditioning the people much like Pavlov's dogs were conditioned to respond with fear.
I watched first hand at the grocery store I work at what was happening. It was my little microcosm where I could see people from all walks of life pile in and start the panic driven, fear based buying of all supplies. There were people who were greedy and decided that they were entitled to everything first simply because they got there first. When others came in and saw the lines, the empty shelves the panic spread quickly and as they texted or phoned others the tornado of people swept away the last of the food that would normally not be bought. Some people were very thankful that we were there but many others thought it was their right to be served quickly and for us to manufacture stuff from thin air that we didn't have.
My first thought on this and these entitled people demanding things we just didn't have to give them was... boy are you in for a big surprise. Since I've worked for most everything I have in life and learned early if what I wanted was unavailable or even not within reach, I either had to have patience or make do without. But it's been 3 weeks since that first wave of panic hit the stores here and in those 3 weeks we have been scared to death by the irresponsible media which has caused a massive lock down on our movements and done their best to sever all physical contact between people. Human contact is essential to life and they have found a way to make that one thing you didn't think could be taken away... to be done so in such a way as to make you think it is for you own good. I call bullshit on every level on that one. But the absolute insane thing about it is not just how many people fell for it, but are now considering themselves the social and thought police.
To save lives, they said. Humph. It's not just the agencies of this world who hasn't been interested in saving lives throughout millenia, it's this selfish, greedy world that has adopted the "fuck you what about me" mentality. If you are clearing the shelves and taking all the supplies for yourself, you clearly don't care whether others live or die. And if you are doing it all to make a profit then congratulations! You have become just like the psychopathic sub humans that are running the world. But here is the kicker to all this... they knew exactly how many of you would respond and it went according to plan, at least so far. So my question now is... where are all these entitled people when it comes to demanding that our basic rights not be wiped out? Are you in the comfort of your own home, well stocked now and unconcerned with anything else? Do you believe that things will return to normal and the economy will recover soon enough so you can continue to live in your comfortable house with just regular every day worries? Again, you are in for a big surprise.
Even if you took the scariest numbers about this virus and the rate of infection to time of death in consideration, do you not realize that more of your neighbors or your family would have already passed? If not, how long will it take for you to see that there is no curve to flatten and therefor no end in sight, unless everyday people start to turn off the news and start paying more attention to the real world outside of their homes, devices and wild rumors? When food and basic supplies stop showing up on the shelves, when every business except Walmart and Amazon close their doors for good, when they come to foreclose on your home, turn off your power and water? Will you then begin to see that maybe we have all been lied to for a very long time for the benefit of the few? Empires fall. And we are teetering on the edge of the abyss.
I scroll through Facebook taking the temperature of those who live close and far away to see how well this experiment in social engineering is going. I can see many are trying to change peoples minds by changing their verbage so that it makes it sound like you are doing the right thing. They want to change your mindset so that you will be comfortable with all that is happening. It's the same message... Don't think, just do what you are told. Stay home, stay safe. Keep wrapping everyone, especially your kids is bubbles of safety where nothing can happen to them. Don't worry your government is in control... everything will be just fine and there is some truth in that. Everything will be fine for those in control of the people but not the people themselves.
Since it seems that the majority of the people have all but given up and become programmed robots, regurgitating what ever mainstream media and their neighbor says, I have lost faith in humanity as a whole. I also understand that there are some of you out there who can still see what is happening with horror in your heart. If any of my experiences have taught me anything, it's those who can see and feel what's happening will have a harder time than those who don't. We value our freedoms and our families... not just one or the other. We also value the creative expression and the need to touch the ones we are close to.
I would also like to acknowledge the ones who seem to be in between and by that I mean, those people who are willing to help out others in times of need. That is what helps me maintain my sliver of hope for humanity. It is so difficult to see that the help that is being offered is being used for the purpose of maintaining this charade such as the making of masks and the donation of supplies which perpetuates this manufactured crisis. I am thankful that there are still many who will do what they can when they can but I'm so very sorry that these people are being used. So the next time a quite possibly real crisis arrives, they might not be as willing or trusting to help.
I'm not going to be like almost everyone else and tell you what to do or what you should be doing. This journey in life is personal and it is our own lesson to learn. I will tell you what I hope though, because hope springs eternal. I hope some good comes from these times. I hope through the worries that many of us are dealing with that we can take time to really think while we are on lock down. I hope that each of you who are ready, willing and able to work through the fear and the panic to see that life can be so much more than the daily grind with bills, jobs, schools, shuffling the kids here and there or whatever it is that you feel like you have to do to get the list checked off.
I hope you can go outside and be apart of the world without a device attached to your body and see your little microcosm of the world. If it isn't what you want to see, I hope you will go out and make a difference even if it's just picking up the trash. For those of you with kids, I hope you get to really know them in this time you have with them. Maybe even forge a deeper bond with them if you haven't had the time to do so. On the flip side to that, if you haven't spent much time with your kids and find out they are lazy, clueless and quite possibly entitled too, maybe you can take a good long look at the real reason that it's so and I'd hope that you would at least try and correct it. Not just for your sake but for everyone elses. There are too many of these types as it is and I can tell you from experience that this lock down was and will be a tailor made excuse for these types who don't accept any responsibility for themselves much less others but when the time comes they very well may need to do just that.
I hope that many people would learn and start to make things again. Since there is a very good possibility that all of the supply chains will be effected by what is happening, now would be a good time to learn how to fix and repair things too. It may become paramount that we learn to garden and farm small animals for our survival. Now I am not talking about taking things back to the 19th century... at least I sincerely hope not... but in these time you just never know. It might not be a bad idea to get back to our roots and away from being a service based country. There are so many trades out there to be learned and there is absolutely nothing wrong with working with your hands.
Although I do know the service industry is carrying the weight of the world on them at the moment and it should show people just how important these people really are everyday, not just in a (manufactured) crisis situation. We the people, who get up everyday to exert much physical labor that too many others thought unimportant or simply beneath them have an advantage. We see more of the real world and we have what it takes to get through hard times because we live with the struggle daily. It is my hope that each of you know your worth and demand that you be treated accordingly.
We all know that not everybody can or will do any of these things though. Some live in densely populated cities or a poverty so pervasive that all hope seems lost at this point. But I can tell you that the poor have a lot more experience with doing without than many others on the planet and they may be the ones who can make it through the times ahead better than all of us. I also hope that you will be able to recognize the ones who would gladly sell their freedom for that illusion of safety and security. That kind of life where you live in a comfort zone without ever trying new things is stagnant and causes entropy of the soul. Fear can be a great motivator if it is used properly and not as a tool for oppression. There is also spiritual growth when you can persevere through things that make us uncomfortable. The possibilities are limitless in the positive things that can be accomplished if we apply ourselves to learn, try and repeat as necessary to be what we are meant to be. I hope you will travel a road to freedom and pave the way for the ones who cannot.
I hope you can understand that I do care for the people of this world even if I don't really like them at the moment. I care enough to speak about the ramifications of our actions or more importantly our inactions as our life as we know it is replaced with a life of suffering on a massive scale that will end more lives than this virus.
Until that time, I hope you truly enjoy the calm before the storm.