<<<<< Volume 1. Vol. 2.>>>>> 1. The Weirdness Within, 2. The Uncomfortable Consumer,
3. Technology, Me and Programs, 4. When will we ever learn?, 5. Sex, drugs and smoking,
6. Suppression Equals Depression, 7. Practicing Awareness, 8. Long Distance Friendships During War, 9. Away we go, 10. Children and Pit Bulls at Christmas, 11. The other side of the story...I & II, 12. The things that divide us, 13. Getting a plan together and a Garden, Click the links within the post to see the relevant stories, pictures or videos and thanks for stopping by!
What do all these things have in common? They all seems to be hotly debated among many, inside and outside of politics. Birth control has come under threat... again so we'll continue providing fresh warm bodies for war and possibly worse. Prescription drugs are killing more people than they help and smoking a plain old tobacco cigarette is being blamed for many of the world ills. Really? Read these articles again. I thought we were trying to go forward but the tug of war goes on and on. I'll admit when I was young, smoke stunk to high heaven but as I got older it became cool. Then it was a way to calm my nerves and finally... I just like to smoke. Recently I found out about a chemical free cigarette other than the roll your owns and the difference is night and day. It almost reminds me of the stuff the old timers smoked and the flavored tobacco smells so divine. I've had several conversations with non smokers and understand their concerns, especially about the smell. They have a right to avoid smoke and I respect that. There are solutions to this problem that are very effective but again it all boils down to cost and control. I even had a little conversation with a newer internet acquaintance and when the conversation was over, they promptly deleted me.
The conversation started over a link to a video I posted called Smoking Bans: Killing our job, our health and our freedoms. I try hard not to debate people with deep rooted beliefs because it is the proverbial brick wall I keep talking about, but this one had made several comments on a few other posts about vegans verses meat eaters that let me know they didn't approve of that comparison either, right after they stated, "Yeah. I'm in the 'everything in moderation' camp."
Them: I can't watch this on my Nook, but smoking bans are killing our HEALTH?
Me: Yes they are saying that the quit smoking drugs are way worse than smoking itself. And to be honest the gov does NOT really care about our health and the banning of smoking is another control factor.
Them: Then they're not destroying OUR health. They might be affecting the health of those people who CHOOSE to quit a horrible, unhealthy habit by using the drugs.
Me: The problem is the med's to quit have a side effect that either makes them suicidal which does not effect non smokers BUT if they become homicidal then I'd say yes they can destroy lives quite easily. It is so easy to go after the smokers than the big business polluters that cause more damage than all the smokers combined.
Them: Then get the drugs taken off the market. Or make the side effects so well-known that people avoid them. Or do more to teach kids how truly AWFUL smoking is so fewer of them start and quitting drugs won't have a market. Smoking BANS are not the issue. As a non-smoker who was so tired of breathing in someone else's disgusting, unhealthy habit and stinking of it after being in a public place, I'm SO grateful for them. I wish there were more of them.
Me: First I understand where you are coming from but I am a smoker. A considerate one at that and think big pharma is not going to pull any medication from the market... even it it kills thousands. As much as I agree with kids not smoking, I found it doesn't matter so much what we think... they will do what they want when they can. I think making so many things available but forbidden makes them so much harder to resist... no matter what age you are. Bans ARE the issue because it should be settled with the individual business and IF they gave smokers a properly ventilated place to smoke then it would be a non issue all the way around. If you start advocating the use of banning things you don't like or agree with then I wouldn't be surprised when the things you use starts to get banned eventually. Remember it is about dividing the masses and having them turn on one another... so we will not be paying attention to what the PTB are doing.
Them: We're going to have to agree to disagree.
Me: I can live with that. :)
Delete. The end. So much for tolerance. I do wish them well and only use this as an example of the mindset. But honestly to their last response I wanted to write... I don't particularly like intolerance and ignorance but I am not out there pushing for a ban on those... the world then might be a pretty empty place. But I refrained and tried my best to use the little information I had retained to explain another view point. I'm sure there are more well meaning but misinformed people out there that are married to their beliefs. Be careful because it could cost you, your life. As always I am not advocating you to smoke... just let me smoke in peace. I really don't understand all these folks who want to live forever or at least a very long time. To do so you have to give up many things that may be considered unhealthy... but for me quality is more important than quantity of life... and I've felt that way for a very long time. But as it turns out, if smoking helps more than it harms then the jokes on me... again. The following referers to Authoritative Followers who believe in what they hear and not what the see but illustrates the point so well.
From the book "When Prophecy Fails." Festinger observed:
A man with a conviction is a hard man to change. Tell him you disagree and he turns away. Show him facts or figures and he questions your sources. Appeal to logic and he fails to see your point.
We have all experienced the futility of trying to change a strong conviction, especially if the convinced person has some investment in his belief. We are familiar with the variety of ingenious defenses with which people protect their convictions, managing to keep them unscathed through the most devastating attacks.
But man's resourcefulness goes beyond simply protecting a belief. Suppose an individual believes something with his whole heart; suppose further that he has a commitment to this belief, that he has taken irrevocable actions because of it; finally, suppose that he is presented with evidence, unequivocal and undeniable evidence, that his belief is wrong: what will happen? The individual will frequently emerge, not only unshaken, but even more convinced of the truth of his beliefs than ever before. Indeed, he may even show a new fervor about convincing and converting other people to his view.
It seems that part of the problem has to do with ego and the need to be "right." People with a high "need to be right" or "perfect" seem to be unable to acknowledge that they have been conned. "There is no crime in the cynical American calendar more humiliating than to be a sucker." People will go along with and support a psychopath, in the face of evidence that they have and ARE being conned, because their own ego structure depends on being right, and to admit an error of judgment would destroy their carefully constructed image of themselves.
Even more amazing is the fact that when psychopaths do get exposed by someone who is not afraid to admit that they have been conned, the psychopath is a master at painting their victims as the "real culprits." Hare cites a case of the third wife of a forty year old high school teacher:
Drug companies want us to use their scripts to quit smoking and now it seem like they'd rather sell us prenatal vitamins than birth control. Why are the republicans, religious right and the drug companies so interested in what we as women do with our bodies? Have we already gone too far? This author of Thoughts of the Feminist Movement: Why I don't clap along, writes so eloquently and echo's how I feel about the ideas society sells us as being free. Here is a chart that shows who has made the most comments on women's issues, and will you be surprised at the results? I have and will always advocate for choice when it comes to issues like abortion, adoption, orientation, birth control and any other decision that involves a commitment. Why? I think it's being responsible that counts the most when weighing all the available facts around you... even if it's a little late... better late than never. Mistakes happen and I live in the real world were sex is pushed in every direction and some men are not fathers in any reality. People are different, situations are different, available options are different and most importantly... if you don't have a support system that can help you then it will have an effect on the decisions you have to make. It's easy for others to judge you without ever walking a mile in your shoes but do not let that detract you from doing what's right for you and those you care for... whatever that choice may be. And these doctors who feel as if they can play God have absolutely no clue either, so I can't waste any more time on them. Also if you're aware of the amount of pharmaceuticals that are routinely flushed into the toilets and the fluoridation already present in our drinking water, just how can any doctor tell us what is wrong with us, much less how to fix it? I guess we should be thankful that our water is a bit cleaner than other parts of the world.
So with all of this, how can anyone still think the people who really run this world... care about the rest of us in any form what so ever? Why do so many still continue to follow bad advice with out doing any serious research on whatever problem they have? And most importantly have folks given up on working together to solve a problem instead of just banning things that don't suit them? Why does everyone want to be different but they can't live with the differences themselves? I guess it is easier than taking on issues like the corruption of our food, schools, wall street, war in the middle east or the one right here at home. You know the one... the war for our every freedom and rights as a human being. The more things are banned the more products for the black markets to flourish. Prohibition didn't work then and it will not work now. As for the women out there I guess our last option is to stop having relations completely until there are some serious changes brought about... especially if you can't have a smoke afterward ;)
But I just may be preaching to the choir so to speak because most of the people who have traveled this journey with me so far are the ones who are not afraid to think about things objectively. Each positive message I've received has been the motivation to continue and I just want to thank you for hanging out with me for a bit. If anyone has any question or comments please send me an email and know I welcome your input, experiences or recommendations.
6. Suppression Equals Depression >>>>>
3. Technology, Me and Programs, 4. When will we ever learn?, 5. Sex, drugs and smoking,
6. Suppression Equals Depression, 7. Practicing Awareness, 8. Long Distance Friendships During War, 9. Away we go, 10. Children and Pit Bulls at Christmas, 11. The other side of the story...I & II, 12. The things that divide us, 13. Getting a plan together and a Garden, Click the links within the post to see the relevant stories, pictures or videos and thanks for stopping by!
What do all these things have in common? They all seems to be hotly debated among many, inside and outside of politics. Birth control has come under threat... again so we'll continue providing fresh warm bodies for war and possibly worse. Prescription drugs are killing more people than they help and smoking a plain old tobacco cigarette is being blamed for many of the world ills. Really? Read these articles again. I thought we were trying to go forward but the tug of war goes on and on. I'll admit when I was young, smoke stunk to high heaven but as I got older it became cool. Then it was a way to calm my nerves and finally... I just like to smoke. Recently I found out about a chemical free cigarette other than the roll your owns and the difference is night and day. It almost reminds me of the stuff the old timers smoked and the flavored tobacco smells so divine. I've had several conversations with non smokers and understand their concerns, especially about the smell. They have a right to avoid smoke and I respect that. There are solutions to this problem that are very effective but again it all boils down to cost and control. I even had a little conversation with a newer internet acquaintance and when the conversation was over, they promptly deleted me.
The conversation started over a link to a video I posted called Smoking Bans: Killing our job, our health and our freedoms. I try hard not to debate people with deep rooted beliefs because it is the proverbial brick wall I keep talking about, but this one had made several comments on a few other posts about vegans verses meat eaters that let me know they didn't approve of that comparison either, right after they stated, "Yeah. I'm in the 'everything in moderation' camp."
Them: I can't watch this on my Nook, but smoking bans are killing our HEALTH?
Me: Yes they are saying that the quit smoking drugs are way worse than smoking itself. And to be honest the gov does NOT really care about our health and the banning of smoking is another control factor.
Them: Then they're not destroying OUR health. They might be affecting the health of those people who CHOOSE to quit a horrible, unhealthy habit by using the drugs.
Me: The problem is the med's to quit have a side effect that either makes them suicidal which does not effect non smokers BUT if they become homicidal then I'd say yes they can destroy lives quite easily. It is so easy to go after the smokers than the big business polluters that cause more damage than all the smokers combined.
Them: Then get the drugs taken off the market. Or make the side effects so well-known that people avoid them. Or do more to teach kids how truly AWFUL smoking is so fewer of them start and quitting drugs won't have a market. Smoking BANS are not the issue. As a non-smoker who was so tired of breathing in someone else's disgusting, unhealthy habit and stinking of it after being in a public place, I'm SO grateful for them. I wish there were more of them.
Me: First I understand where you are coming from but I am a smoker. A considerate one at that and think big pharma is not going to pull any medication from the market... even it it kills thousands. As much as I agree with kids not smoking, I found it doesn't matter so much what we think... they will do what they want when they can. I think making so many things available but forbidden makes them so much harder to resist... no matter what age you are. Bans ARE the issue because it should be settled with the individual business and IF they gave smokers a properly ventilated place to smoke then it would be a non issue all the way around. If you start advocating the use of banning things you don't like or agree with then I wouldn't be surprised when the things you use starts to get banned eventually. Remember it is about dividing the masses and having them turn on one another... so we will not be paying attention to what the PTB are doing.
Them: We're going to have to agree to disagree.
Me: I can live with that. :)
Delete. The end. So much for tolerance. I do wish them well and only use this as an example of the mindset. But honestly to their last response I wanted to write... I don't particularly like intolerance and ignorance but I am not out there pushing for a ban on those... the world then might be a pretty empty place. But I refrained and tried my best to use the little information I had retained to explain another view point. I'm sure there are more well meaning but misinformed people out there that are married to their beliefs. Be careful because it could cost you, your life. As always I am not advocating you to smoke... just let me smoke in peace. I really don't understand all these folks who want to live forever or at least a very long time. To do so you have to give up many things that may be considered unhealthy... but for me quality is more important than quantity of life... and I've felt that way for a very long time. But as it turns out, if smoking helps more than it harms then the jokes on me... again. The following referers to Authoritative Followers who believe in what they hear and not what the see but illustrates the point so well.
From the book "When Prophecy Fails." Festinger observed:
A man with a conviction is a hard man to change. Tell him you disagree and he turns away. Show him facts or figures and he questions your sources. Appeal to logic and he fails to see your point.
We have all experienced the futility of trying to change a strong conviction, especially if the convinced person has some investment in his belief. We are familiar with the variety of ingenious defenses with which people protect their convictions, managing to keep them unscathed through the most devastating attacks.
But man's resourcefulness goes beyond simply protecting a belief. Suppose an individual believes something with his whole heart; suppose further that he has a commitment to this belief, that he has taken irrevocable actions because of it; finally, suppose that he is presented with evidence, unequivocal and undeniable evidence, that his belief is wrong: what will happen? The individual will frequently emerge, not only unshaken, but even more convinced of the truth of his beliefs than ever before. Indeed, he may even show a new fervor about convincing and converting other people to his view.
It seems that part of the problem has to do with ego and the need to be "right." People with a high "need to be right" or "perfect" seem to be unable to acknowledge that they have been conned. "There is no crime in the cynical American calendar more humiliating than to be a sucker." People will go along with and support a psychopath, in the face of evidence that they have and ARE being conned, because their own ego structure depends on being right, and to admit an error of judgment would destroy their carefully constructed image of themselves.
Even more amazing is the fact that when psychopaths do get exposed by someone who is not afraid to admit that they have been conned, the psychopath is a master at painting their victims as the "real culprits." Hare cites a case of the third wife of a forty year old high school teacher:
Drug companies want us to use their scripts to quit smoking and now it seem like they'd rather sell us prenatal vitamins than birth control. Why are the republicans, religious right and the drug companies so interested in what we as women do with our bodies? Have we already gone too far? This author of Thoughts of the Feminist Movement: Why I don't clap along, writes so eloquently and echo's how I feel about the ideas society sells us as being free. Here is a chart that shows who has made the most comments on women's issues, and will you be surprised at the results? I have and will always advocate for choice when it comes to issues like abortion, adoption, orientation, birth control and any other decision that involves a commitment. Why? I think it's being responsible that counts the most when weighing all the available facts around you... even if it's a little late... better late than never. Mistakes happen and I live in the real world were sex is pushed in every direction and some men are not fathers in any reality. People are different, situations are different, available options are different and most importantly... if you don't have a support system that can help you then it will have an effect on the decisions you have to make. It's easy for others to judge you without ever walking a mile in your shoes but do not let that detract you from doing what's right for you and those you care for... whatever that choice may be. And these doctors who feel as if they can play God have absolutely no clue either, so I can't waste any more time on them. Also if you're aware of the amount of pharmaceuticals that are routinely flushed into the toilets and the fluoridation already present in our drinking water, just how can any doctor tell us what is wrong with us, much less how to fix it? I guess we should be thankful that our water is a bit cleaner than other parts of the world.
So with all of this, how can anyone still think the people who really run this world... care about the rest of us in any form what so ever? Why do so many still continue to follow bad advice with out doing any serious research on whatever problem they have? And most importantly have folks given up on working together to solve a problem instead of just banning things that don't suit them? Why does everyone want to be different but they can't live with the differences themselves? I guess it is easier than taking on issues like the corruption of our food, schools, wall street, war in the middle east or the one right here at home. You know the one... the war for our every freedom and rights as a human being. The more things are banned the more products for the black markets to flourish. Prohibition didn't work then and it will not work now. As for the women out there I guess our last option is to stop having relations completely until there are some serious changes brought about... especially if you can't have a smoke afterward ;)
But I just may be preaching to the choir so to speak because most of the people who have traveled this journey with me so far are the ones who are not afraid to think about things objectively. Each positive message I've received has been the motivation to continue and I just want to thank you for hanging out with me for a bit. If anyone has any question or comments please send me an email and know I welcome your input, experiences or recommendations.
6. Suppression Equals Depression >>>>>