Thursday, December 8, 2022

Pallet yard


Tim Johnson, 204 Oakwood Drive, Matthews NC 28104, 

After much consideration of the ongoing issues that you seem to have with all of us that back up to “your” Union Rd. property, I have decided to write this letter to you for several reasons.  The first being that it is hard to finish a sentence with you because you like to interrupt the conversation many times and the second being I do not want my words to be exaggerated or twisted in any manner, so with a written record that will be harder for you to do.

There used to be natural woods behind our property that my dad loved to sit and watch. Now there is nothing but a junk yard that is a constant eye sore to us all.  The property values were already low but with that eyesore it is even lower.  By design?  I don’t know… But I will tell you this; I am not selling this property although I may rent it out someday.  Also Dad may have liked to watch you work as you said but he was always hoping you’d clean that mess up and restore some order out there.  Apparently that is something you cannot or will not do for some reason.

Since dad has been gone it seems you have decided that you are the king out here and feel the need to tell everyone what to do whether it has to do with our own property or not.  You do not even live on that property behind dad’s house and yet you believe that you have the right to do anything with any of our properties at any time.  Here is a news flash… you do not… at least where my dad’s property is concerned.  In my mind it will always be dad’s…

Under the guise of helping people you let Donnie, a then homeless individual, live on your property without a thought that 2 single females were only a few feet away.  It is my understanding that you would not pay him very much for the work he did do for you and that’s why things came to a halt.  Most people do not like to work for next to nothing in my experience.  Luckily Donnie turned out to be decent enough guy and there were no problems at least on our end.  Your anger at him and Sandy seems to stem from your loss of almost free labor, not from that fact that your wife suspects you of cheating due to your own indiscretions in the past.  You told me that you asked Sandy directly to not walk her (dying) dog on your property and that she would not comply but I have since learned that you never asked her directly.  When I discussed the issue with her, she stopped immediately and now stays on my side of the line. 

Which brings me to my next point; you do not have the decency to talk about any issues face to face where they have a chance to be resolved.  Instead you like to talk trash behind peoples back and that leads me to believe that you have or will do so the same with me.  Case in point when you single Anthony out when he is alone and come bitch to him about what he is doing with my blessing and he tells you to come take it up with me, you say… “I don’t want to hear her bitch.”  Another news flash… we are all tired of hearing you bitch but that doesn’t seem to stop you from carrying on now does it?

Another case in point; when you told Anthony that the only reason Mr. Dave cuts everyone’s grass is because he was a nosy old man. It is so far off the mark that it’s funny and it says a lot about what kind of person you really are.  Dad thought mighty highly of Mr. Dave and he was the true person who helped my dad out many times over when I wasn’t here.  It is him that has my respect.  FYI he mows grass because he is retired and looking for things to do.  He never starts trouble of any kind and he is the one that truly helps people.

Anthony can build a fire out back any time he chooses and any wood left on dad’s property will be burned as well as any other wood that he can forage for; that is not on your property.  At the very least he is responsible with the fire and does not leave them blazing unattended like you do on occasion.  Dad told me once that he called the fire department on you because you were careless and let one get out of control.  Which brings me to another point about your constant claims of not wanting people on your land because you think they can get hurt as you stated to me about why Sandy couldn’t walk her dog or even me walking Gus to dad.  If those claims were true then you would take more care not to burn the neighborhood down and wouldn’t have hired Melissa and Tim G’s boys to work on your property, again for next to nothing, and then demand they not use it as a cut through.  I see a pattern of behavior here and it shows that you take far more than you give.  You also like to accuse others of doing what you yourself are doing.  It is called gaslighting and it’s an old tactic used by people who have no conscious so go ahead and call me crazy while you are at it.  It will simply prove my point even more so than you already have.     

Also the fact that you slam pallets down between 5 and 6am is tiresome and shows you couldn’t care less about the people in this neighborhood.  I don’t care if you are trying to run a side business this is not a commercial property, it is a residential one.   Now I do understand you are trying to make money to care for your family and I usually admire a hard working man.  But what you don’t understand is that most of us here are trying to do the same thing.  We just do it without running over anyone else as you seem to like to do. 

Next is your ridiculous claim that the water hose to drain the shower and sink water from the camper is causing an overflow of “your” drainage ditch is another example of you causing problems where there are none.  But FYI, that situation is being remedied soon.  The ditch is not on your property nor does it cause any issues for you.  It causes issues for me and Hub because we have houses on these properties that can be flooded in a hard rain.  You only have wood and trash that gets wet so if it’s that much of a concern for you then move your wood and trash away from dad’s property line closer to the road and you will be just fine. 

It would be in everyone’s best interest if you would build a privacy fence around your property and if you could make it a least 12’ high between the dividing lines of our property it would solve both of our issues.  But somehow I don’t think you are interested in solving any issues, just causing trouble.   So when time and money allow I will be building that fence to block the view and to keep you off this property.   But in the unlikely event you do decide to put up a fence, I suggest you get your property surveyed because I will not be having a 40 year feud with you about property lines that my dad had with Jack Dewberry, the previous owners of the place Sandy lives in.

I did a quick tax record search and it still shows the address listed under Betty Quinn’s name so either you have not filled for title in your name or you do not own the property at all.  Either way, it is only 0.6500 of an acre and from the looks of it you are using way more than that.  In fact it looks like you are encroaching on all the surrounding properties trying to claim more land for yourself.  When you placed no trespassing signs on dad’s land I think you were trying to add a little more to your already poached land.  Nice try…  I know that your property is pie shaped, unbuildable and not very valuable.   I also know a little about squatters rights here in NC and so far from my research, that will be expanded over time, I’ve found that NC does not honor any rights a squatter may claim so you seem to be out of luck there, but I could be wrong.  Time will tell and in any event I’m not giving you the chance.  Also dad told me that you were interested in buying Dean and Tiffany’s place, the one where Betty and Quinn lived in, right out from under them.  My question is why are you so interested in buying or stealing all the land you can get your hands on around here?   Don’t worry, I don’t expect an answer.   

It’s a damn shame that you have no respect for my father than this and I have no illusions that you will show any more respect to me or my renters or even the neighbors.  Each of us talks with one another and we know what you are doing so it will not work.  But I will say this for the last time… I am done dealing with your BS.  I have other things to deal with and again you do not even live here so you have no business demanding, bullying or harassing any one here.  I hope I have made myself crystal clear about these issues and you understand that I will not back down.  I’ve had plenty of experience in dealing with people like you and I am not intimidated in the least.  However it is extremely unfortunate that this situation has come to this.

A copy of this letter has been given to all the neighbors and Hub Dorton as well.

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