Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Ghost of Roommates Past

1. Home to Contradictions, 2. Six Degrees from Home, 3. Welcome Back to My Therapy, 
4.  Lying, Cheating, Stealing and Intent, 5. Power of You, 6. One Split Second,
7. Marvelous Mistakes, 8. I made a choice to make a change, 9. Connections to the Farm,
10. Back to the Farm, 11. It's a small world after all, 12 Fair Weather Friends,
13. Ghost of Roommates Past, 14. You can never go to far, 15. Glamorous Life,
16. Double Standards, 17. Lazy? No Exhausted, 18. Crossroads of Life and Death, 19. One Last Time, 20. When Worlds Collide I, 21. When Worlds Collide II, 22. When Worlds Collide III   23. The Unwanted New World, 24. Means the Old World Must Go, 25. So Where was God in all this? 26. Where did you get that from?27. The Reason for My Season, 28. Was Always a Little Rascal, 29. Pictures and Quotes of the Little Rascal and final chapter 30. Closing in Contradictions. ~Use these links to read in order (some chapters have songs, new added content, pictures or all:) Volume 2 >>>>>       

If you have made it this far in reading about my life and are not completely bored,  then I'm floored.  These stories are just highlights and don't convey all the ups and downs, joy and sadness, frustration and forgiveness that accompanied them.  Even the fair weather friends were important to me because they were in my life and I tried to understand where they were coming from and more importantly where they were going.  Once I started being brutally honest with myself, I expected it from the people in my life.  The three people that were completely honest were Scott who often to this day, lives his life in a fish bowl and is very transparent.  Some times we have a problem with TMI around here just to give you a clue.  Sherri was always honest and even Krystal was too in her own wild way.  She let it all hang out and I liked it!  You know where you stand with people like this and it is only because I saw this and enjoyed it with a few capable people, I knew it was possible if not probable with others.  They were not afraid to live in the open and I love each of them for that.  There are so many things I wish I could write here about all of these people but I respect their privacy and personal information so I am limited in examples I'd love to use.  Eye popping, jaw dropping things that would blow your mind because they blew mine and it takes a lot for that to happen.

The desire to grow and mature is always there even if I don't have the ability at any given moment.  Because of that I have always felt that I was going against the grain more often than not.  I have boundaries I will not cross but that doesn't mean I expect others to live the same way, and they do need to respect my boundaries when I lay them down.  If they had boundaries and voiced them I would respect those too.  Sound simple doesn't it?  Well only in theory anyway.  Working at the law firm was becoming so very tiring because the demand to do more with less coupled with the fact I had reached the point where I could not keep quiet about it any longer made for a really hostile environment.  The staff became more vicious in the mind games than the attorneys did.  I know that kissing butt was NOT something I had time to do even if I had the inclination which I don't.  And herein lies the problem because in that world it is required if not specialized in.  I watched as one of the paralegals literally lost her mind and was bound to deal with it by the firm as they saw fit.  

All this was happening while I was buying the house and I was 25 at the time.  I picked a place that was halfway between moms and work, was big enough to move around in but still needed a lot of work.  The best part was I didn't know anybody that lived in the area and that was the whole point! Trey was 7 and I had hoped that he would come live with me one day but at that time my moms had become home so I couldn't just yank him away from it.  Scott and my ex brother in law helped me move and this time Scott looked at me and said... this was the last time he was helping me move.  I was on my own. ;)  I knew I needed a roommate since Bonnie flaked out on me and didn't know anyone I wanted to live with that didn't already have a place of their own.  I took an ad out in the local paper and let me tell you some of the people I talked to on the phone were like straight out of the Twilight Zone.  I was looking for a roommate not a soul mate! I know it takes all kinds BUT I didn't want to live with all kinds.  And that's how I met Shirley.  She was a 48 year old paranoid schizophrenic who was getting a divorce and needed a place.  She took her medication at the health department and chain smoked.  She was also the best pick of the litter if that tells you anything and only the first of 10 roommates over the 12 years I lived there. 

I could have paid everything on my own but I did want to eat and I had drained my saving just for the down payment.  Shirley seemed like a good candidate because she didn't party, was quiet (that was important) and seemed stable enough, all things considering.  So she moved in and it was great for her at the beginning because she worked at the cafeteria across the Blvd which was less than a 2 minute drive.  I met her soon to be ex and learned that she was fine until 10 year earlier when the disease took it's toll on her.  It also turned out that the insurance agent that they both used was the son of the receptionist at the law firm who became my friend.  Glenda was inspired to buy her own place after seeing me buy mine.  She was another nice lady trying to work hard and take care of her older kids.  She was sorta my mom at work and I'll always be thankful to her for that.  Glenda's daughter also married a guy that was friends of my ex husband, Moe.  Anyway Shirley also had one older child but she didn't see him too much.  I didn't see her a lot because I worked or went out and then 2 months later Scott came to me with a problem.  His mom was selling her house and he needed a place to live.  I really loved him in a platonic way and knew that I could be the transition into the world that he needed.  So he moved in upstairs with me leaving the whole bottom floor for Shirley. That Thanksgiving Krystal from the farm came for dinner and her and Shirley hit it off but as usual Krystal disappeared into the wild again after a few days. 

But Shirley was unhappy and sinking deeper than I knew because one Saturday she left for work, came home 2 hours later to get something, said goodbye and left again.  An hour or so after that I got a call from the police, who were looking for her.  I thought at first that she had put her car in the ditch and wondered off.  They would not tell me anything about it.  At this point Scott got dressed and was walking to his car to get something, when the police rolled up, so he just got in his car and left.  I didn't see him until 12 hours later!  The cops came in looked around and made sure Shirley wasn't here, then left.  I was worried but when I got a call about another hour later from a man looking for Shirley too because she had stolen his gun when she visited with him the previous night... I was pissed because the time wasted by the cops for not telling me what was going on caused her, her life and I knew it right then!  Holy smokes!!  I hung up and called the police in both districts and told them I knew she had a gun and to look for her at her exes house.  It didn't take a crystal ball to put the clues together and to this day, I don't understand why the police couldn't have figured the same thing out.  Her ex lived just one street up from where Scott's mom was moving too but I didn't know that at the time. 

They said thanks we'll look into it and 9 hours later I got the knock at the door from the sheriff to tell me she had shot herself.  If I knew where he lived I would have gone myself but I had no clue and was pissed because the husband didn't tell me that some thing like this had happened before.  It was also really terrible that I didn't do more to help her and felt sad because it was 3 days before Christmas on December 21st.  Then I went to grandma's and got stuck in that ditch on the way there.  Following the tension at grandma's for something that happened in the summer, I had left from there and we had out first Christmas in my house.  Later someone took out a long obit in the paper for Shirley and tore the husband a new one.  He came by later and picked up a few of the things he wanted and her son came by to pick up the check book she had and that was that.  It was left up to me to take her stuff to the Good Will.  Well that's not really the end of the story but this part is a little hard to believe.  While she was living with us she watched 2 channels on the TV.  One being court TV and the other was the channel channel.  Six months or so later the TV would turn on by itself  spontaneously or change to one of those two channels on it's own.  Once it happened when Scott and I were talking one night and we discovered that it had been going on for a while for both but neither of us wanted to say anything about it. 

Scott stayed for almost a year and then got his own place with a garage.  He is a car guy after all and living together was getting to be a little much.  Next came Sweet Melissa and this chick was a piece of work.  She paid little rent, complained a lot, had a cat named Boots that tore up my furniture and ultimately left owing a lot of money.  When I stupidly took her to small claims court and won, I found out you can not get blood from a turnip.   Shortly after that I found a young girl to be a roommate who had the exact same name as me, it was just one letter off in all three names.  I usually shied away from younger folks just because but she was very mature for her age and I loved her bright red hair, so I gave it a shot.  Her and her boyfriend were really big in the Renaissance Fair and spent a lot of time away from the house.  Unfortunately she only stayed about 3 months because it was a little out of her price range and she wanted to move in with him.  My Grand Am took a permanent dump even after all the time Scott spent working on it. Then later Bonnie makes a comeback, and Shirley still visits from time to time. 

                                               Our first Christmas in the house.
                                                      I miss him so much...

14. You can never go to far >>>>>                        



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