Thursday, November 17, 2011

Law and Order

Not the TV show that has been on for many seasons, although I did watch  a lot of them in the last 3 years.  With the advent of the DVR it became possible to actually watch the cable I was paying for, but rarely at home to see.  People often  asked me if I saw this or that show and usually I hadn't because I didn't keep up with popular shows.  I do remember the first shows about forensics evidence like one called Medical Detectives that featured reviews of real life cases of murder and mayhem.  A quiet interest of mine was trying to understand why people do what they do and especially how they do it.  Not because I was looking for ideas, mind you but trying to understand the motivations.  The usual reasons of jealousy, money, love and vengeance are the top ones but I kept asking myself what was the first domino set in place that led to what seemed like senseless violence.  The only one that made any sense to me when I was younger was vengeance because they felt like they were righting some wrong done to them or another loved one.  The Bible and the law states that it is wrong to seek vengeance in any fashion and if the law can not provide the vengeance you seek then you are out of luck.  And lets be honest, real facts are hard to come by especially when it comes to the TV and the cases themselves.  People lie and the cover up begins because those involved understand the implications of getting caught.  All too often the victims are portrayed as the offenders and the offenders are then turned into the consummate victims.

I have always had a healthy respect for the police because they are human too.  Some if not many of them have a conscience and others don't.  It seems like the ones I knew and talked to did indeed have one and they took their jobs seriously but with a grain of salt.  Most police that actually do the work often see people on the worst days of their life and deal with fall outs of one disaster after another.  To live that close to the darkness can test even the most strongest among us.  It was also the reason I decided against pursuing a criminal justice degree or being a cop.  Even working at a prison center means coming up close and personal with the most broken of people on a daily basis.  And let's face it, I didn't want to see any of my friends on the other side of the bars.  Anyway I really didn't think I'd find the answers there either because honesty on both sides of the fence is lacking.  The one thing I understood early on was the police can't do anything until after a crime has been committed and by then it is too late.  That also meant that defending and protecting myself or others was my responsibility especially if I was with the people I loved.  It really was a no brainer to me but what was disturbing to hear was how often that was discouraged in the media.  The motto was all too often go along to get out alive but sometimes that will get a person killed quicker than anything, depending on the individual who is committing the crime and their intent.  Personally I would rather die trying to fight off a rapist than to be raped even if that is not the acceptable view point in society but in the end it is all about power and I'll be damned if I don't fight to keep mine until I can safety get away.  That is the nature of survival most of us inherently have even if it isn't tested too often.  

If you can step back and understand the variables in any situation then apply that thinking toward the military.  Again I have a very healthy respect for all the men and women who sign up believing they are defending our freedom and way of life.  In fact I care about their life and deaths so much so that I would be remiss if I didn't speak out about their senseless leaders because I too understand that the working guys are the ones with little power of their own.  They are trapped in a chain of command and breaking ranks is not allowed.  My dad was a paratrooper in Korea and after a hard life as the oldest of 7 kids, jumping out of airplanes was a breeze.  The horrors of combat took a toll on him though and it is one that will not be broken at least in this life time.  The old black and white pictures of him in his youth with his buddies in full gear next to the planes with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth bare a stark difference to the shell of the man that he is today.  But he is one of countless many who have been used and discarded by the government and it was almost surreal to see how many other families that were crumbling under the strains whether it be financial hardships due to a deployment resulting in a loss of income or that knock on the door that every family dreads with all of their being.  I understand freedom is not free more than most but I no longer think that all the senseless fighting in the world will make us free.  It seems to be the opposite in my humble opinion and we are now only fighting to keep the elite... the elite and in turn they are making sure we stay right where we are at...lost, broken and marginalized. 

We as regular citizens are covered in laws and the papers to effect them are staggering.  The gap between the have - have nots only increase and the haves are not subject to the same if any laws themselves so our justice system is a parody of anything fair and just.  Only on prime time TV do the real offenders go to jail and good guys win.  In real life the good guys are all to often following orders and are put between a rock and hard place and the consequences to them can be dire if they fail.  The very disturbing thing that most folks don't understand is that a lot of the military or their families have been experimented on in many cruel and unusual ways through out the many years of service.  The effects of those experiments may not be fully known but it is safe to say that we are in for some interesting times from here on out.  And lets not forget your plain old generic lunatics that sprouted up due to the decline of common sense and propaganda of the media.  The biggest problem the police and the military have is that people with no conscience flock to these professions in droves and rise up the chain of command because they are looking for power and little else.  The only two ways I see to break that chain is for the all people in the country to stop paying taxes and for the rank and file in all professions that support this archaic system do a thorough clean out of the psychopathic people and their policies from the top down.  In turn the people would then need to use their money if they have any that is and start investing in their own communities at least until the federal clean up is completed.  I have never had a problem paying taxes because we all need services that we can't not easily provide for ourselves.  I just want my taxes to be put back into the people instead of being used to kill them wherever they live.  I don't really think that is too much to ask it?  Difficult if not impossible...sure, but nothing ever worth having was easy and the alternative is a nightmare.


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