Sunday, November 6, 2011

Gradual Withdrawal

Gradual withdrawal means just that and I am doing it!  I have wrote about unplugging from the main stream media and fake television.  I also have advised doing some of your own research maybe on any alternative websites.  Check out different ones so you can get an overview of what different perspectives there are.  I know research takes time and if you are busy it's tough to take time out of the busy life but I really feel like you should. Even if only for a few minutes a day.  If you have time delve into the material properly then I hope you remember this important fact...each of us must DO something.  There are times in life when we look back and wish we would have done something different and this should NOT be one of them.  It is too important and I am not an activist...or at least I wasn't.  But our future is at stake and we can either argue about it or change the way we rely on the system because the system wasn't designed to benefit us but keep us in slavery.  Sounds far fetched to many but for others they are finding out the hard way, everyday.  

No matter what I have been through in this life, I am still very lucky indeed because even though I don't own anything, I still have all I need.  I had planned on simplifying my life for a long while but after losing Trey it was easier in many ways but terribly hard in others.  We were forced to confront the many first without Trey in a very short period of time.  His senior pictures came right after and then the prom and then graduation.  After that mom and dad split and I had to go through Trey's room and gave away everything I could because I wanted his friends to have a small piece of him.  I was thankful to my ex brother in law because he helped me out by buying the living room furniture that held a special place in my heart because of Trey and the few extra dollars helped so much at the time. The rest went to Good Will with 90% of my stuff so I hoped it help some in need... but they are a corporation at the end of the day so who knows.  The next thing I did was stop solving problems for people who do nothing other than to create them.  I know that sounds harsh but it is a waste of time and energy.  For the last couple of years I have been grieving and taking a hard look at my life.  I am responsible for my actions and my intentions so I will not place blame on anyone else.  And still I am lucky because I had the chance to read a lot and still have some of my critical thinking skills although they are far from what they used to be.  I am also lucky that my roommate likes to garden and grow fresh veggies so we will be trying to get much better at is because food prices are high.  
While my heart is with the protesters that are braving the elements, I can't help but think how hard it is going to be for them to stick it out through winter.  But they need to vent and voice their concerns and maybe by talking with each other, they can began to see the whole problem.  The system can control only if you give it the power to do so.  It is a great start to see the mass exodus of the big banks and turning to local credit unions.  In the city there isn't a lot of mom and pop business.  They have been gone for many years but now is the time for all the working class to work together for each other instead of profit.  I have started to read about several alternative markets cropping up and even though some in the system will try to squash this time old way... I don't think they can arrest us all.  Well if the builders stop building the prisons that is.  There is a whole lot of work ahead and none of it is going to be easy.  The choice I see is between doing only for yourself or doing for others and that is a whole different frame of mind for some.  If you come from a small town then most of this probably will be second nature.  So far I have scrounged up a few dollars and donated to the protesters and hope to send more soon.  I personally wouldn't waste a dime on any political party and would do serious research for any charity donation to make sure that it goes where you want it.  Some times it is just better to find a more direct approach of helping others.  

I wrote earlier about me helping my friend run his small business from behind the scenes and for now we are okay but I know that things may turn for the worse.  I have learned that we only have so much time to finish changing our life voluntarily or it will be changed for us.  Well my friend has RA and now after doing much reading on that I have found we have to change our diets so he doesn't have to live with constant pain or pills.  Turns out wheat, dairy and sugar are the worst things you can eat and living on them like we have has a high price.  Most of the processed food has GMO ingredients and now more than ever it is important to cook at home.  Happy home maker I am not but it sure looks like I need to get ready to relearn how to cook old school like your grandmother or great grandmother cooked straight from the garden in the summer time or the freezer in the wintertime.  My granddad used to raise cattle and it was grass fed and humanely done in application.  Both my grandparents worked many years in the cotton mills and that work is both hard and long.  But life was simpler then in terms of necessity and operation.  Most of our younger generation doesn't really know how hard backbreaking work it was but they may be finding out sooner rather than later.  I know Trey would have been shocked! ;)  You know I spent most of my life trying to get out of the country and as it turns out it may be the best place to be.  I still have a ways to go but at least I am in the right direction.          

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